Sorry about the lack of bloggage lately, I'm afraid it's going to come to you all at once today.

Ramone's Birthday:
Well, I took the day off work so that we could have the whole day to celebrate my boyfriend Ramone's 19th birthday, also we went out the night before to a club in Leceister square called Penthouse so we got back in the very early hours of the morning anyway. I had never been to Penthouse before and when I arrived there I was disappointed with how packed it was. I mean,it was so packed that we were literally touching other people and it was very hard to dance with people keep pushing you out the way to get past. On his actual birthday, 20th March, we first when to TGI Fridays. For those of you who don't know, TGI Fridays is a american style restaurant with very yummy food. For me it was half a rack of ribs, shrimp and fries with a cocktail :p For desert we popped over the road to the Krispy Kreme shop, if you've never had a krispy kreme doughnut..U NEED TO! it's heaven in the shape of a doughnut. We then had to rush home to get our Arsenal shirts on as we were going to watch Arsenal Vs West Ham at the Emirates Stadium. It was a definate adventure trying to get there..to start it off we left our houses late and by the time we reached the station they wasn't letting anyone through because someone had had a heart attack on the train. What to do???!!!?? There was 15 minutes until kick-off and no train..so I did the most sensible thing I could suggest, we got a cab to the stadium. When we got there, I ran like my life depended on it, trying to keep up with Ramone who was getting more eager as he heard the fans singing from inside the stadium. We had to first find out what part of the stadium we were sitting in, and it had to be round the other far side! More running! We got there,missed Arsenal scoring their first goal but we got there which was the main thing :D. Arsenal won 2-0 so we left with smiles on our faces. I was totally knackered but I couldn't go home and lay on the sofa..I had Ramone's 2nd party to go to with his other group of friends. We met his mates in a pub then headed off to O'neills(a pub-club) ...to say it was an eventful day wouldn't cut it.
3 Year Anniversary :

On 24th March, Ramone and me had been going out for 3 years so to celebrate we went out on the 23rd as Ramone was working on the 24th. We went to Alexandra Palace and played 'Pitch and Putt'. We both had never played golf before and it was a throughly enjoyable experience. I would like to go again in the summer when it is better weather as it was raining on and off when we were playing. Ramone won the game, but then again he always wins things like that I must admit lol. We then went out to a restaurant in Knights Bridge, where his older brother use to work. It was like something out of a movie the restaurant, just so special and even more so because of who I was with. He bought me a pair of earrings and a silver trinket box that said 'I love you' on it. I bought him a watch and a pendant with the letter 'R' engraved on the front and on the back '3 years, I love you'. Those presents were just a small symbol of how we feel about each other. I wouldn't change one moment of my time of going out with Ramone or choosing to give my heart to him. I love him and I can't wait to make more memories with him.
School Placement Preparation:
Last week was the first week of my school preparation week for my teaching block.
The topic I will be teaching is 'seaside rescue'. I have so many lesson plans to do, so much to do for my folders and I still haven't finished my assignments due on 19th April. If I didn't know God was with me and this is what he wants me to do at this time, I think I would have 'fallen off the edge' so to speak. I am nervous. I am excited. I am stressed. I am happy. This is one emotional rollercoaster and then I think to myself 'this is life'...one step at a time approach is needed.
It was Easter Sunday yesterday. My family gave me a lovely lindt chocolate bunny with carrots and my boyfriend gave me a yummy dairy milk chocolate egg. I fell in love with Jesus all over again. It's easy for Easter, like Christmas to become just full of routine and listen to the same stories forgetting what they are TRUELY talking about. He was PAINFULLY nailed to a cross and slowly died a humilating death FOR ME, taking MINE and everyone else's sins with him so that we could be FREE. HE ROSE AGAIN and is with me NOW, NOTHING can separate us :D I want to feel that amazing freedom everyday and that amazing love completely everyday.