Monday, 1 February 2010


As part of my spring term assignments for my primary teaching degree I have been researching storytelling, the history of it, what makes a good tale to tell and what make a fabdabbydozy storyteller. Today I came across this gorgeous quote that took my attention and thought I should share it before I forget it.

'The Storyteller's Creed I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death. '- Robert Fulghum

Even though by the end of these assignments I will probably feel sick of anything to do with storytelling for a while, from what I have been reading already I can honestlly say that I didn't realise how important storytelling is. Especially when I saw that many historians,anthropologists and psycholoists suggest that storytelling is one of the many things that defines humanity.

Now I have to find a story to tell myself (Any ideas people?!)and because I love acting, hopefully this will have a positive effect on my storytelling technique!

See, I've been getting so lost in the world of storytelling that I have forgotten about my gammon knuckle cooking away downstairs!!


  1. I love telling stories in school. I find that the best ones are the simple stories which you can tell from memory and to which can be added loads of expression of body and voice, maybe with the odd prop.
    Some of the Greek myths are good. I love to tell Theseus and the Minotaur, Daedalus and Icarus or Pandora's Box.
    There are also lots of good Bible stories which can be told as part of an RE lesson e.g. David and Goliath, or some of the parables.
    Hope you find what you need. :)

  2. Just thought - this is a great website for all sorts of stuff, including a section with some Fables, Myths and Legends.

    Also, try this website for story extracts

    Although some areas are members only, there is still a lot you can access as a non member.

  3. I decided I am going 2 do Jack and the Beanstalk :) Thanks for the websites,i'll take a look. I know I will enjoy telling stories in school, I just have to get in2 the swing of it xx
