'But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.' Matthew 6:20 - I would rather my heart care more about the treasures in heaven that receive approval from God than the earthly treasures that can receive approval from others.
I battled with God when He asked me to do this and even in the battling I still felt guilty for not wanting to do it. Freedom came in the first day, I felt I could breathe as I began to accept who I am. I can't lie, there were bad moments too where I was on a date with my boyfriend and so many attractive girls came on the train to which of course I noticed the little secret glance at them from his direction..I don't blame him for that. I want his attention but actually only God can truly fulfil my need of being wanted.
It's strange but some people didn't even notice a difference, they still showed approval of me and made comments about my beauty.
The need for approval from others steals so much joy and effort. Last week was a step in the right direction on my journey that is still a long way to go. I want to find myself in my Heavenly Daddy and enjoy collecting treasure with Him.