Monday, 27 August 2012

When the glitter is stripped away..

Last week God asked me to do something that I found hard. He asked me to not wear any jewellery of any kind or make-up. God wanted to show me that my beauty, value and approval needs to always be in and from Him.

'But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.' Matthew 6:20  - I would rather my heart care more about the treasures in heaven that receive approval from God than the earthly treasures that can receive approval from others. 

I battled with God when He asked me to do this and even in the battling I still felt guilty for not wanting to do it. Freedom came in the first day, I felt I could breathe as I began to accept who I am. I can't lie, there were bad moments too where I was on a date with my boyfriend and so many attractive girls came on the train to which of course I noticed the little secret glance at them from his direction..I don't blame him for that. I want his attention but actually only God can truly fulfil my need of being wanted. 

It's strange but some people didn't even notice a difference, they still showed approval of me and made comments about my beauty. 

The need for approval from others steals so much joy and effort. Last week was a step in the right direction on my journey that is still a long way to go. I want to find myself in my Heavenly Daddy and enjoy collecting treasure with Him. 


  1. I can relate to this post...mid thirties and four kids have left a few grays in my hair. I was suppose to speak at a women's event, and I felt like God wanted me to do it without getting my roots touched up. I have to be honest to say that I didn't want to listen and tried to schedule a hair appointment. Guess what? I was sick that day and couldn't get my hair cut. I spoke with all my lovely grays glistening and reminding me that God looks beyond that and straight in to our hearts! Many blessings! It is awesome that you were so obedient!

  2. Hi Daisy,
    Good for you! Beauty is on the inside and from reading your blog you are a very beautiful person.

    Stepping out in obedience can be hard, it is very encouraging to read that you are doing just that!


  3. Hi Daisy, I supposed that your beauty both inside and out are more than enough that is why God wanted you to do that. So be proud that you have that natural beauty. God's wonderful creation:)

  4. beauty comes from the inside.

  5. Beauty from obedience--there's nothing like it. And joy is an extra blessing from the obedience.
