'They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder
But most of the beholders are looking over their shoulders
And beauty is slowly leaving this world
And love turns to hate and selfishness unfurls' (29th Chapter)
I don't want to look over my shoulder. I see a whole lot of Beautiful and it's changing me.
The beauty in sisters looking for the good in each other instead of looking for a fight.
The beauty of meeting God in worship and discovering what matters again.
The beauty of a friend revealing that she still cherishes something I gave her long ago.
The beauty in being a part of a young person's journey with their Heavenly Father.
The beauty of the delicious flavours of gelato on your tongue.
The beauty of a community coming together to celebrate the inspiration of sport
The beauty of using a gift God gave for everyone to enjoy
The beauty of allowing someone into your heart and walking alongside one another
The beauty in something so small carrying so much hope
The beauty of a blanket of snow reminding that He's cross covered our sins and made us pure.
The beauty in sharing
The beauty of an unexpected friendship that nurtures your soul so much that you wouldn't want to be without and anticipating what you'll discover next. The beauty of a smile that you find Jesus in.
The beauty in being silly and not caring how ridiculous you look because you're more importantly having fun
The beauty of vibrant new life
The beauty of having fun dancing with your friends
The beauty in celebrating the miracle that a person is
The beauty in embracing a new place and learning through amazing people
The beauty in allowing landscapes to take your breathe away
The beauty in watching the sun go down
The beauty of people who know you completely and love you well, no matter what our lives look like
The beauty of pieces of music that move your soul
The beauty of the power of prayer
The beauty of admiring a piece of art
The beauty of achieving something that took a lot of hard work
The beauty in someone who finally let something go
The beauty of a meaningful hug
The beauty in a heart fully surrendered to Jesus
Jesus, You are the beauty.